I hope whoever is interested in God related issues will take the time and share on this blog his/her views on God.. I really wish I can get different views on God, how people view Him, whatever faith they're following.. Note that this blog isn't intended to support a certain view of God, thus nobody is asked to defend a stance, however, whoever feels the urge to argue with others then do it in a constructive way...
My View on God
Who is God to me? This question is always in my head, I used to think God must have a certain shape, an icon, He must be somewhere, He must be something.. for instance, I remember that one time I was talking with my uncle about God, and asked him "what's God to u?" He answered " God is the trees, the nature, the sun, the mountains, He's the force of Nature..etc Yeah, that's Him, and He's everywhere." To be honest, I really liked my uncle's answer, it was astonishing to me, how come I never thought of God this way before.. But later on, I reached a different understanding of God, He can never be the "trees, the mountains, the sun..etc," no, this isn't God.. To me, God is Perfection, Truth.. By nature, Perfection means He's independent from anything, He doesn't need anything to exist, yet He exists. He doesn't have a shape or a form we ( humans) could understand.. I examined a lot of things such as the Sun, the Moon, Science, water, trees of course i couldn't cover everything, I discovered that there can be a general law that can describe almost everything in our lives which is dependency..
Nevertheless, Time is one of the things I couldn't understand, this question is still troubling me, "what is time?" Time, as far as i can see, is independent, Truthful and Perfect..Could time be God?
As I learned from philosophy that everything subject to time and space is imperfect and will not exist one day. Whether God is time or not, very hard to prove actually impossible. but what is time? time is the rotation of earth around the sun and the sun around the greater bodies in mass and value, and I believe [or feel], yet i can not prove, that all bodies rotate around what is greater than them until reaching the Greatest of all beings which is God. Where all the world rotate around Him to glorify Him. He is the Origin of everything, He is the initiator who exists when nothing exists. If we analyze this from a micro view we can see that the electrons rotate around the nuclei their origin, we all rotate and all the universe rotate around one unified origin.
The comment posted was on my other Blog, it was posted by 'Truth Seeker'..
Could time be God?
Time isn't the only thing that's independant; space is as well. I don't think God IS space, but rather that He created it for us little people to live in and explore. Same goes with time, God created it to be independant of anything so that we can live, age, and one day die.
Just because something is independant from the current, limited scientific point of view, it doesn't mean that it's not independant from God. He can make both space and time exist or not exist in an instant, and they only exist because He allows them to.
I liked ur comment, but what's space? i mean what do u mean when u say space?
also, ur saying "Just because something is independant from the current, limited scientific point of view, it doesn't mean that it's not independant from God," obviously, u got a concrete view on God, i'd love it if u share it on the blog..
i believe god is perfect too...we may have our flaws but he loves us unconditionally. i believe all the religions we have today are basically praising the same god, he just has different names for different cultures.
The Age old question, must come to an end, granted, that within its end it commences yet again.
On the Existence of God
simply put, he exists but he doesnt, 50% chance, any other absolute statment concerning this argument is rudimentary, and terribly misguided. scientific inquiry has not proven his inexistence and faith preachers have nothing to offer but an abstarct. to the rational mind, it is a wait and see stance, with an emphasis that again, he might exist, and he might not. one rule goes here, it is that faith related matters should never be an impedement to free thinking, to scientific progress, etc...as long as it does not have a negative effect, it should be accepted until the contrary view proves otherwise. absolute atheists are careless, they embody the same absolute beleif of the people they live to critisize, and the same goes for the blind faith preachers, they are careless, and intellectually lazy.
The Nature of God
It is one thing to claim his existence, a totally other thing to claim he prescribes a certain religion. perfection is an abstarct concept, but if you want to define it, it could be the seamless existence of conradiction to a hightened level, where they sieze to exist as contradictions. it is not the most realistic concept, in fact it is the only concept that people adhere to that makes to sense. thus if God is indeed perfection, he is no more than a vague ideal that human kind cannot fathom. yet within the 0.00001 elapsed time before the big bang, is where God exists for now, as long as that presumtion does not impede us from searching what lies beyond, God is good, yet religion can be often troublesom, infact such as any other absolute ideology, nationalism, capitalism etc, they create a great rift between human kind, but oh well such is the nature of the world, got any better ideas to solve this falacy?
The Age old question, must come to an end, granted, that within its end it commences yet again.
On the Existence of God
simply put, he exists but he doesnt, 50% chance, any other absolute statment concerning this argument is rudimentary, and terribly misguided. scientific inquiry has not proven his inexistence and faith preachers have nothing to offer but an abstarct. to the rational mind, it is a wait and see stance, with an emphasis that again, he might exist, and he might not. one rule goes here, it is that faith related matters should never be an impedement to free thinking, to scientific progress, etc...as long as it does not have a negative effect, it should be accepted until the contrary view proves otherwise. absolute atheists are careless, they embody the same absolute beleif of the people they live to critisize, and the same goes for the blind faith preachers, they are careless, and intellectually lazy.
The Nature of God
It is one thing to claim his existence, a totally other thing to claim he prescribes a certain religion. perfection is an abstarct concept, but if you want to define it, it could be the seamless existence of conradiction to a hightened level, where they sieze to exist as contradictions. it is not the most realistic concept, in fact it is the only concept that people adhere to that makes to sense. thus if God is indeed perfection, he is no more than a vague ideal that human kind cannot fathom. yet within the 0.00001 elapsed time before the big bang, is where God exists for now, as long as that presumtion does not impede us from searching what lies beyond, God is good, yet religion can be often troublesom, infact such as any other absolute ideology, nationalism, capitalism etc, they create a great rift between human kind, but oh well such is the nature of the world, got any better ideas to solve this falacy?
I believe u got some pretty neat ideas here,since u brought up this problematic issue of universality..I don't seem to understand what's common among all the people of the world except for Time.. i mean Time is the thing that can't be disputed wherever u go and no matter what u do, it's just there and it doesn't stop.. i think of it as the "universal" truth.. Lately, i've been thinking much about Time.. I mean what could it be? could it be a passage, like a road which leads somewhere(fate and destiny)however, to where?is it the only medium or channel? all these questions are troubling me..
The intriguing question u raised got me thinking of how different people are..but i'm afraid i don't have any answer to this question.. yet i have a notion, what if the people of the world are NOT indoctrinated(retaining their differences),of course hypothetically speaking, would they reach the same conclusion?
great blog, :0)
keep up the good work!
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